IT Odoo Specialist
วันที่: 12 พ.ย. 2567
ตำแหน่งที่ตั้ง: กรุงเทพมหานครและปริมณฑล, ประเทศไทย
บริษัท: The Siam Cement Public Company Limited
บริษัทสังกัด - หน่วยธุรกิจ: บริษัท ปูนซิเมนต์ไทย จำกัด (มหาชน) - Corporate
หมายเลขคำขอ: 22126
ประเภทการจ้างงาน: Permanent
ฟังก์ชั่นงาน: ผู้เชี่ยวชาญงานเทคโนโลยีสารสนเทศ
- Support CAD application for local and overseas companies.
- Maintenance and support the current CAD applications.
- Analyzing incidents, issues and providing solutions to end users.
- Demonstrating how to use applications/solutions to end users.
- Provide support including procedural documentation and related reports.
- Provide troubleshooting for computers and systems.
- Provide first and second level end user technical support.
- Roll-out current CAD applications.
- Deploy and monitor changes process for production environment.
- Bachelor's degree in IT, Computer Engineering, Computer Science, ICT, MIS or related field.
- Achieve a minimum GPA of 2.70 for a bachelor's degree and 3.30 for a master's degree.
- Having experience in Odoo or ERP accounting related.
- Ability to work in dynamic environment and manage to meet the SLA .
- Experience with applications in area accounting is an advantage.
- Having knowledge in Software development and Software Testing would be advantaged.
ติดต่อ: Samita Permpoonkanjana
Computer Science, Testing, CAD, Drafting, Technical Support, Technology, Engineering